CMC News

Code Administrators Look to County Materials for Enhancing Industry Knowledge

Written by Admin | Jan 11, 2017

Attendees at the Wisconsin County Code Administrators Association (WCCA) fall conference strengthened their professionalism in the administration of Wisconsin County Land Development Codes and learned firsthand how permeable pavers are manufactured and the advantages they offer in storm water management. County Materials, a leader in manufacturing concrete construction and landscape materials such as concrete permeable pavers, conducted presentations and hosted a tour of their Appleton, Wis. facility.

Bob Roehrig and Jennifer Schaff from County Materials demonstrated the sustainable benefits concrete permeable paver systems offer in managing storm water runoff. Schaff noted, “it is exciting to share with industry officials what we are learning about permeable pavement through our joint research project with Wisconsin DNR, Wisconsin DOT, USGS and others.”

After the session, nearly 40 WCCA members toured County Materials’ Appleton production facility to experience concrete block manufacturing processes. WCCA members learned how County Materials sources local aggregates and utilizes advanced technology to produce high performance, durable concrete products used in construction and landscape applications.

Daniel Everson, vice president of WCCA, appreciated the learning opportunity hosted by County Materials. “The session regarding permeable pavers was greatly appreciated and we are pleased that County Materials was able to take the time sharing their expertise with our membership.” Everson also said these sessions are a benefit for their membership. “I believe it is our responsibility as land use professionals to provide options for our landowners that live and work in the rural areas of our counties on what’s the best approach to balance the individual desires and requirements prior to development.”