CMC News

Communities Rely on Concrete Pipe for Sustainable, Flood-Resilient Infrastructure

Written by Admin | Jun 1, 2023

One of the key considerations when building sustainable sewer and storm water infrastructure is how well the materials will perform in the event of a flood.

Floods bring higher than normal volumes of water through a storm water system. Systems without adequate flow capacity quickly become overwhelmed, causing water to back up into low-lying areas and roads. Fast-moving flood waters can also threaten the storm water system itself. When lightweight pipe materials, such as PVC, HDPE, or metal, are used to build storm water infrastructure, the system is at a greater risk of floating to the surface and becoming displaced or washed away during a flood. 

Reinforced concrete pipe is the most durable material for storm water and sewer systems and offers many benefits for flood-resilient infrastructure.

Concrete pipe is made from strong, long-lasting materials that can withstand the elements, heavy loads, and high water pressure. Concrete pipe is also resistant to corrosion and can remain in service for up to 100 years with minimal maintenance.

The inherent strength of concrete means it can be manufactured in greater diameters than other materials, which offers greater flow capacity to reduce flooding and prevent erosion. Another key benefit of concrete pipe is its weight, which helps it resist floatation in the event of floods.

When looking for a long-lasting, sustainable, and cost-effective infrastructure solution for storm water or sewer systems, concrete pipe is a reliable choice.

County Materials manufactures and delivers large diameter round and elliptical reinforced concrete pipes to communities around the Midwest. In the event of a flood, our skilled drivers and dispatchers can coordinate and execute product deliveries within hours to help repair damaged infrastructure.

Use County Materials’ Concrete Pipe in your next project by contacting our Customer Service Team at (800) 242-7733.