CMC News

Concrete Box Culverts Provide Enhanced Flow Capacity

Written by Admin | Nov 3, 2023

County Materials’ Concrete Box Culverts are a reliable storm water management solution for challenging situations that require enhanced flow capacity.

Box culverts have a greater span and shorter rise than circular or elliptical concrete pipes, making them more hydraulically efficient. The unmatched flow capacity makes them ideal for water diversion projects, hydroelectric generation facilities, groundwater recharge systems, and underground storm water retention structures.

When the University of Notre Dame constructed a hydroelectric generation facility as part of their sustainability efforts, project leaders specified County Materials’ Concrete Box Culverts. Box culverts were also specified for water diversion in Purdue University’s Aerospace Discovery Park District. County Materials supplied 92 lineal feet of precast box culverts to divert the flow of the property’s creek.

Concrete box culverts require minimal maintenance over their service life that can exceed 100 years. In addition, their offsite production makes them a cost-effective solution that accelerates project timelines.

Use our concrete box culverts for your next project by contacting us at (800) 242-7733.