CMC News

Concrete Pipe’s Longevity Maximizes Taxpayer Value and Provides Reliable Solution for Infrastructure

Written by Admin | May 8, 2023

Growing communities across the country are turning to reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) for storm water and sewage management systems because of its proven reliability and durability.

With a service life that can exceed 100 years, concrete pipe is the most durable pipe material available, capable of withstanding heavy loads and enduring challenging underground environments. Throughout its long service life, concrete pipe requires little to no maintenance, and research has shown that it often becomes stronger, and more resilient over time.

When the City of Sheboygan, WI, inspected and evaluated their nearly 90-year-old Southside Interceptor System, composed of 60-inch diameter RCP and concrete manholes, they discovered that the pipe was stronger than when it had been installed and was outperforming industry standards. By leaving the pipe in service, the city saved taxpayers money and reduced waste.

A highway project in Calumet County, Wisconsin, further provided further evidence of the longevity of concrete pipe. As part of a repaving project on Highway 114, the county planned to raise the culvert grade. When they excavated the 86-year-old concrete pipe, they found that it had maintained its structural integrity and could be reinstalled.

To learn more about using County Materials’ Reinforced Concrete Pipe for your next project, contact your regional County Materials facility:

Florida - (352) 343-8488
Indiana and Illinois - (317) 323-6000
Iowa and Wisconsin - (608) 244-1381
Minnesota - (715) 749-3927