CMC News

County Materials and Local Businesses Benefit from 2017 Business Day at the Capitol

Written by Admin | Apr 5, 2017

On March 8th, County Materials participated in the 2017 Business Day at the Capitol. Tom Peterson, Regional Manager and Carlos Villarreal, Location Manager represented County Materials. The annual event, sponsored by the Minnesota Utility Contractors Association (MUCA) and the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, is designed for businesses to learn about key issues and give them the opportunity to support their priorities directly to their elected officials.

Peterson and Villarreal used this time to promote the concrete pipe industry with Minnesota legislators and discuss the important issues facing the industry. Peterson detailed one topic they discussed, “We met with several legislators and asked them for transportation and infrastructure funding, specifically to ensure the Clean Water and Safe drinking Water State Revolving Fund meets the required amount to receive the Federal match.”

Peterson and Villarreal also spent the day with Mark Magney of Magney Construction and Matt Brenteson of Brenteson Companies to gain a better understanding of issues contractors face and to advocate together for issues facing the construction industry.