CMC News

County Materials Appreciates and Supports Veterans and Service Members

Written by Admin | Nov 9, 2023

At County Materials, we recognize the service and sacrifice of everyone who has served in the U.S. Armed Forces. The commitment and dedication of service members and veterans makes it possible for us to help build the growing communities where Americans live, work, and play.

When veterans return to their communities, they often face challenges reintegrating into civilian life. That’s why we’re proud to support many worthy military service organizations that empower veterans and their families. We donate funds through the Sonnentag American Foundation and volunteer our time with veteran-focused organizations in the communities where we have locations.

These organizations provide service dog training, workforce reentry assistance, and accessible outdoor recreation experiences to veterans. They also provide housing assistance, PTSD treatment services, and more. We support educational and skills training initiatives and the construction of memorials to make sure future generations understand it is an honor and sacrifice to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces.

To our men and women in uniform, past, present, and future, thank you for your faithful service.