CMC News

County Materials Continues Support for Warbird Rendezvous and Never Forgotten Honor Flight

Written by Admin | Jul 1, 2019

In honor of past and present military personnel, County Materials continues the company’s sponsorship of the Warbird Rendezvous as a Major Sponsor. Proceeds from the event benefit the Never Forgotten Honor Flight, which provides veterans the once-in-a-life-time opportunity to see the memorials built in their honor in Washington D.C. Additionally, throughout the year County Materials is proud to support other military and veteran organizations including, veteran employment skill training programs, service training for dogs assigned to veterans, material donations to veteran memorials and home building projects, veteran family camps, housing assistance for homeless veterans, and American Legion chapter contributions. 

The Warbird Rendezvous is an annual fly-in for military and vintage aircraft that takes place at the Central Wisconsin Airport in Mosinee, WI. This year’s event will be held on July 20th, 2018 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event is free and open to the public with funds raised through generous sponsors, sales ofWarbirdRendezvous merchandise during the event and meal donations. 

As our country commemorates this Fourth of July, consider how you can help support local veterans in your community. Contact your local veterans center and ask about volunteer opportunities. Call or write to your congressional representatives or senators and urge them to make injured service members a legislative priority. One of the easiest and most personal ways to show your support is to thank a service member for their service and sacrifice.

The Never Forgotten Honor Flight support is one example of how County Materials demonstrates its Vision of Success, Stability and Support.