CMC News

County Materials Hosts Pipe Facility Tour to Support the ASCE Minnesota Section’s Scholarship Fund

Written by Admin | Dec 30, 2022

County Materials partnered with the American Society of Civil Engineers Minnesota Section and the Minnesota Concrete Pipe Association to host a charitable tour at our Roberts, WI pipe facility. Engineers, public work officials, and construction inspectors attended the tour and earned professional development hours while benefiting the ASCE MN Section Scholarship Fund. 

Twenty-four individuals attended. The day started with a presentation about concrete pipe design, given by Jason Kruger, the Director of the Minnesota Concrete Pipe Association (MnCPA). Then, participants walked through our dry cast, wet cast, and steel reinforcement areas and learned how reinforced concrete pipe and precast structures are manufactured. They also saw how quality tests are performed on concrete pipe using a D-Load Tester. This machine ensures the pipe’s strength meets the required and ultimate loads. At the end of the day, participants had the opportunity to discuss with associate members of the MnCPA. 

County Materials is proud to partner with the ASCE Minnesota Section and MnCPA to host concrete pipe plant tours, educate industry professionals, and raise funds for a worthy cause.