CMC News

County Materials Raises Awareness During National Manufacturing Day

Written by Admin | Oct 1, 2018

Manufacturing is a growing industry that offers rewarding careers with good pay, many benefits, and local opportunities. In recent years the manufacturing industry has faced a skilled labor shortage where employers across the country are finding it difficult to fill the many great positions they have open. National Manufacturing Day was created to address common misperceptions about manufacturing and give manufacturers the opportunity to open their doors and show young people across the country what modern manufacturing looks like and how there are many opportunities for growth within the industry.

During the month of October, County Materials is celebrating careers in concrete manufacturing and ramping up recognition of the company’s efforts in educating students on the opportunities available in the manufacturing industry.

County Materials hosts plant tours year-round for current students and high school graduates who are interested in growing their careers in the manufacturing industry. County Materials also hosts plant tours for local leaders and industry professionals to educate them on how concrete construction products how made and how they benefit their communities.

Throughout October visit County Materials’ video and news pages often to see how the company is raising awareness in recognition of National Manufacturing Day. Also, stay up to date by following us on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages.