CMC News

County Materials Welcomes US Congressman for Plant Tour and Industry Insight

Written by Admin | May 11, 2018

County Materials Corporation hosted US Congressman Dave Loebsack (IA, 2nd District) along with multiple industry leaders for a tour at the company’s Iowa City, IA pipe and precast manufacturing facility. Other attendees included Materials Engineer and Legislative Liaison from the Iowa Department of Transportation, Concrete Pipe Association of Iowa producer members, the ACPA Regional Engineer and the NUCA of Iowa Executive Director.

The tour was part of the Concrete Pipe Association of Iowa’s continued efforts to educate public leaders on the dangers of “open competition” legislation that would remove an engineer’s discretion and experience when selecting materials. In a 2017 letter to congress, the American Concrete Pipe Association stated their concern over materials preference legislation that, “under the guise of promoting ‘open competition’—seeks to legislate technical decisions related to pipes and other materials that should be made by licensed engineers and local communities.”

During the tour, County Materials provided a safety presentation and overview of the importance of concrete pipe and precast structures in building long-lasting and durable infrastructure. County Materials then demonstrated manufacturing of reinforced concrete pipe and a variety of precast structures produced by the Iowa City facility. County Materials is a leading manufacturer of concrete pipe in Iowa. The company has received recognition on several occasions for community involvement, most recently with a Gazette 2017 Business Excellence Award for the company’s efforts in emergency flood prevention in Cedar Rapids, IA.

Concrete pipe has a reputation as an inherently strong material for storm water management. Unlike plastic pipe, precast concrete pipe is a rigid construction material that is tested to withstand extremes. The Army Corps of Engineers suggests a design life of 70-100 years for concrete pipe, which is twice as long as other materials. The concrete pipe industry strongly advocates to state and national officials about the strength and longevity of reinforced concrete structures and about the important role they play in water management in American communities. County Materials further supports this industry-wide effort by frequently hosting tours for construction professionals and public leaders, as well as welcoming student tours to learn more about careers in manufacturing and construction industry.