CMC News

Governor Walker Supports Concrete Pipe

Written by Admin | Sep 24, 2018

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker recognized the value of concrete pipe with statewide industry leaders during a National Concrete Pipe Week proclamation signing on September 13th, 2018. The event included Dave Ross, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary; Clark Wantoch, the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Concrete Pipe Association, three members of County Materials Corporation’s pipe team including Rick Gerroll, Chad Hoeppner, and Brian Kolden; and four other industry members.

Officially recognized during the week of August 19-25, the 2018 Concrete Pipe Week gave County Materials the opportunity to raise awareness on the crucial function of concrete pipe in keeping communities healthy, safe, and thriving. In addition to Wisconsin, governors in Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia, along with Lake County, Florida all signed proclamations declaring the importance of concrete pie in their own states and communities.

County Materials’ presence at the event reinforces the company’s position as a leader in the concrete pipe and precast manufacturing industry. County Materials manufactures a complete line of reinforced concrete pipe and related storm water management systems. Because of reinforced concrete pipe’s superior durability, strength and sustainability it remains the preferred choice for engineers and industry professionals. 

Photo Caption: From left to right Dave Ross (Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary), Clark Wantoch (WCPA Executive Director), Steve Benton (Welch Brothers Inc.), Nathan VanPay (Concrete Industries), Rick Gerroll (County Materials), Jonesy Jones (Welch Brothers Inc. – WCPA President), Scott Walker (Wisconsin Governor), Travis Lathrop (County Materials), Chad Hoeppner (County Materials Corp. – WCPA Treasurer), Scott Touve (Concrete Specialties – WCPA Vice-President), Brian Kolden, (County Materials).