CMC News

Reinforced Concrete Pipe’s Unmatched Structural Strength Offers Advantages Over Flexible Pipe Materials

Written by Admin | Aug 8, 2024

Reinforced concrete pipe is a preferred pipe material for stormwater management systems because of its unmatched strength and rigid structure, which gives it many advantages over flexible pipes. 

Unlike pipes manufactured from materials like polypropylene and metal, RCP doesn’t rely on backfill to achieve structural strength, deriving its strength instead from the pipe material itself. This allows RCP to be installed with less backfill and with less ground cover. Flexible pipes require deeper and wider trenches, which adds significant time and complexity to their installation. 

RCP’s strength and durability makes it suitable for installation in challenging underground environments, such as those with poor soil quality or high amounts of hydrostatic pressure—situations where flexible pipe materials could be impractical. 

Additionally, RCP can be manufactured in larger diameters than other materials to offer greater flow capacity. It can also be buried at greater depths than flexible pipes. RCP has been designed for fill heights up to 150 feet of fill and is commonly buried up to 50 feet deep to accommodate sites with steep slopes or other environmental challenges. In contrast, polypropylene pipes can only be buried up to 39 feet deep, and only in certain scenarios can they achieve that depth without compromising the integrity of the system. 

The greater mass of concrete pipe also helps it resist flotation, even in the event of a flood that washes away the backfill surrounding it. Because of its density, concrete pipe stays in place even if ground cover over the pipe is washed away, and it can often be salvaged and reused after floodwaters recede. 

With a service life that can exceed 100 years, reinforced concrete pipe is a versatile and reliable stormwater solution. Use County Materials’ Reinforced Concrete Pipe for your next project by contacting our Customer Service Team at (800) 242-7733.