CMC News

Turning Victims Into Survivors

Written by Admin | Dec 2, 2019

Alternatives, Inc. | Anderson, IN

Alternatives, Inc. helped 339 individuals last year because of support from the Sonnentag Foundation. Additionally, their Play for Family Peace golf outing raised $38,000 for Alternatives, Inc. The organization provided emergency shelter for 192 adults and 146 children in the last 12 months. They answered over 2,500 crisis hotline calls and provided non-shelter outreach services for an additional 209 survivors. Their work is vital in turning victims into survivors.

Alternatives, Inc. receives funding from County Materials’ annual charity golf outing. To demonstrate the company’s Vision of Success, Stability and Support, County Materials is contributing to organizations that provide services for sexual abuse and domestic assault survivors in communities where the company has locations.

Our Giving in Action

“Lacy” came to the shelter with a shattered self-esteem and spirit. She had been in an abusive relationship for many years. She had turned to drugs and alcohol to numb her pain. When she first came to the shelter, she was nervous and afraid of the unknown. The future was unclear, and she knew her past was not healthy or safe for her children; not knowing what the future would hold caused great anxiety. The next morning, she told staff she slept peacefully for the first time in years!

From there she started working on a plan. She helped her daughter settle into life in a shelter and encouraged her to participate in the children’s programming. Staff helped with securing doctor’s appointments and gathering the necessary items for her newborn. She secured a job, started saving money, began her sobriety journey, and was accepted into their Transitional Housing program. Lacy and her children are thriving today! She has been sober for nearly a year, her daughter’s grades have improved, and both have restored their self-confidence!