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Beauty in Durability: Concrete Masonry Offers Design Versatility

Mar 28, 2024

Masonry has been used to build visually stunning structures for centuries. Masonry structures represent the stability and resilience of the communities that build them. Used for ancient Persian palaces, Gothic cathedrals, Renaissance tombs, and some of the first skyscrapers during the Industrial Revolution, masonry has remained the building material of choice for populations that seek to leave a strong and beautiful architectural legacy.

Merging this rich history with innovation, County Materials offers concrete masonry solutions that meet the needs of modern buildings and anticipate the challenges of tomorrow, crafting products that remain timeless as trends evolve.

Extensive Applications

Educational facilities and houses of worship can use masonry to achieve a classical aesthetic that fosters a sense of grandeur and tradition, like the Aquinas Academy or Star of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Athletic stadiums may choose masonry to honor the history of a community, like the Athletic Park in Wausau, Wisconsin. Masonry is also a popular solution for hotels and apartment complexes, such as the Standard at 36. Other projects that showcase County Materials’ aesthetically diverse concrete masonry selection include libraries, event halls, banks, travel centers, and more.

Style Meets Performance

With high fire resistance ratings, low maintenance requirements, and unrivaled durability, concrete masonry is ideal for structures that are built to last. According to the National Concrete Masonry Association, the minimum compressive strength required of concrete masonry units is 2,000 psi (pounds per square inch) and is the most important design consideration for masonry structures.

Our team brings extensive industry knowledge and attention to detail to the manufacturing process, ensuring each masonry unit meets the highest standards of quality. We take pride in leading our industry and crafting products that build long-lasting communities.

Use County Materials’ Concrete Masonry Units for your next project by contacting our Customer Service Team at (800) 242-7733.

