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16 Reasons Why Municipalities and Contractors Choose Concrete Pipe

Dec 19, 2022

Concrete pipe is a resilient storm water solution. It is preferred by industry professionals across the nation for its inherent strength, environmentally conscious fabrication, and ability to mitigate flood risk and damage. Here are 16 reasons why engineers and municipalities choose concrete pipe.

  1. Inherent Strength

Reinforced concrete pipe is the strongest pipe available. It can be designed and plant tested to resist any load required. Additionally, wire reinforcement can be added to significantly enhance the inherent strength of concrete pipe. Because concrete strengthens over time, it’s not unusual for concrete pipes that have been in service for decades to be found stronger than originally tested.

  1. Extended Service Life

In addition to its inherent strength, concrete won’t burn, rust, tear, buckle, deflect, and it’s immune to the attack of most elements, whether the pipe is buried or exposed. These characteristics contribute to its prolonged service life that can exceed 100 years.

  1. Dependability

Modern concrete mixes, pipe design, and manufacturing processes have combined to produce concrete pipes that can withstand a complete range of underground environments and effluent profiles. As one of the world’s most commonly used building materials, concrete is well understood by engineers, contractors, and installers. Greater comfort and confidence with the material leads to fewer mistakes in installation, offering infrastructure that communities can rely on for decades.

  1. Rigid Structure

Concrete pipe is a rigid product that provides both structure and conduit when installed. This offers many benefits, including the ability to bridge over uneven bedding without affecting the pipe hydraulics. Unlike flexible pipe, concrete pipe is not susceptible to installation problems like buckling, deformation, or crush.

  1. Resistance to Fire and Heat

Concrete pipe is a non-flammable material. Unlike thermoplastic conduits, concrete pipe will not burn. It also withstands extreme temperatures that may compromise alternative pipe materials.

  1. Low Life Design Cost

The cost of underground drainage culverts and storm sewers must take into consideration factors such as material cost, material life, inflation rates, replacement cost, and residual values by using the Life Design concept. Concrete pipe easily meets all of the demands of Life Design as it remains the strongest, most hydraulically efficient, durable and sustainable pipe available today. Repair and maintenance costs are minimal, and concrete pipe can remain in service without replacement for the life of the roadway system.

  1. Long-Term Value

When communities choose concrete pipe for infrastructure projects, they’re investing in an asset that will hold its value during the design life of the project. Because concrete does not steadily depreciate over time or require additional investment in repairs, maintenance or replacement, the cost of ownership during its lifetime is less than alternate materials.

  1. Low Environmental Impact

Unlike plastic pipe, concrete is produced with benign, natural materials that are abundantly available in most locations. Manufacturing of concrete consumes less energy than plastic fabrication, and when local resources are used, concrete can reduce consumption of fossil fuels during delivery. County Materials responsibly sources aggregates from our local quarries.

  1. Reusability

Pipelines, and in particular culverts, are often used in temporary applications to facilitate drainage during construction. The rigid nature of concrete pipe makes it ideal for removal and replacement, which can reduce waste in temporary drainage applications.

  1. Ease of Installation

Concrete pipe joints are easily assembled, which helps minimize the time needed for installation. Since concrete pipe is a rigid pipe system that is over 85% dependent on the pipe strength and only 15% dependent on the strength derived from the soil envelope, less soil preparation is required, speeding up installation and overcoming a variety of site challenges.

  1. Design Flexibility

Precast pipes are manufactured in a variety of sizes and shapes, with an array of linings and coatings that can handle the most challenging environments. Concrete pipe is suitable for almost all sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and culverts.

  1. Joint Performance

Concrete pipe provides unmatched joint performance. Concrete pipe offers a variety of joints from soil-tight to pressure, including o-ring gaskets, profile gaskets, and mortar and mastic joints. Joint performance is demonstrated in the plant prior to pipe installation, and joint integrity can be field tested in a variety of ways.

  1. Flotation Resistance

In a low lying or marshy environment, the buoyancy of buried pipelines depends on the mass of the pipe material, the weight of the volume of water displaced by the pipe, the weight of the liquid load carried by the pipe, and the weight of the backfill material. When the level of the water table rises above the invert of the pipeline, flexible pipe materials such as thermoplastic pipe and corrugated metal pipe may heave vertically or snake horizontally. The mass of concrete pipe reduces the likelihood of flotation in these situations.

  1. Hydraulic Performance

The rigid structure of reinforced concrete pipe allows it to provide greater hydraulic performance and superior liquid mass conveyance than flexible piping systems. This is because the mass of concrete pipe resists lateral forces, and the structure remains true to line and grade. Following installation, concrete pipe is also less likely to be damaged during subsequent construction or maintenance in phased projects.

  1. Quality Control

Precast concrete is fabricated to meet precise specifications and rigorously tested during production. Additional quality control measures include computer controlled weighing and proportioning systems, computer controlled mixing systems, and absorption testing.

  1. Sustainability

The service life of concrete pipe can more than double that of alternative products. In some cases, the pipe can be reinstalled to prolong its service life. Projects built with concrete pipe are more likely to be compatible with any future expansions or alterations. And at the end of its life cycle, concrete pipe can be recycled and repurposed as new construction or fill materials.

County Materials is committed to manufacturing long-lasting, responsibly made concrete construction products that protect and strengthen our communities. Use concrete pipe for your next project by contacting us at (800) 242-7733.

The American Concrete Pipe Association offers valuable technical resources for designers and engineers. Refer to their publication title “16 Reasons to Choose Concrete” to learn more.