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A Place for Safety and Comfort

Jan 27, 2020

The Women’s Center | Waukesha, WI

Established in 1977, The Women’s Center remains the only agency of its kind in Waukesha County. In 2018, a total of 18,278 adults and children were served through their network of services, including calls to the 24-Hour Hotline and those reached by Community Education and Violence Prevention programming. Their impact extends beyond Waukesha, as they see clients from throughout the region and also serve as the emergency shelter for two adjoining counties.

The Women’s Center receives funding from County Materials’ annual charity golf outing. To demonstrate the company’s Vision of Success, Stability and Support, County Materials is contributing to organizations that provide services for sexual abuse and domestic assault survivors in communities where the company has locations.

Our Giving in Action

Seeking safety and shelter, Kay came to The Women’s Center when she was 28 years old. Her abusive partner did not allow her to work, and she had no funds for her own apartment. Working with their counselors and advocates while she stayed in their shelter, she outlined a plan to return to work in the medical field, where she had been licensed prior to the escalation in her relationship. Together, they outlined her resume, reviewed interviewing skills, and applied to renew her drivers and professional licenses. Kay was thrilled to receive two competitive job offers and is now happy in her new job and new apartment, far from her abuser.

Quotes from Shelter Residents

“I appreciate everything you all done for me, it motivated me to keep doing what I’m doing for a better outcome.” 

“I wanted to say thank you to all of the awesome staff for being so caring and such great listeners.”

“Thank you all so much. Last night was seriously the best night’s sleep I have had in years. I felt so safe.”

“When I first arrived with my son things were a little scary but being here has put my mind at ease. I feel safe and comfortable.”