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Build a Lasting Legacy with Concrete Masonry Units

Oct 17, 2023

An Enduring Solution

Masonry, the art of building with brick, block, and stone, is nearly as old as civilization itself. From China’s Great Wall and Egypt’s ancient pyramids to India’s Taj Mahal and Rome’s Coliseum, every great civilization has relied on the capable hands of masons and these long-lasting materials. 

Although many of the basic techniques of the masonry trade have not changed—and the beauty, strength, and durability of the materials remains timeless—the trade has experienced major technological advancements to be what it is today. Improvements in materials science and contemporary installation equipment such as MULE (Material Unit Lift-Enhancer) devices are making masonry construction more versatile, beautiful, durable, and affordable than ever.

Concrete Masonry Expands the Possibilities

Despite the many existing alternatives to masonry that exist today—including steel, synthetic composites, timber, and vinyl siding—concrete masonry remains a popular solution for architects, designers, and construction professionals. Its popularity can be attributed to its wide range of unmatched benefits.

Beauty: The addition of masonry to a structure adds character and often raises its market value. Concrete masonry products are available in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes, and finishes.

Durability: Buildings constructed with concrete masonry units can be expected to withstand the elements and last 80-100 years with minimal maintenance. This durability proves masonry an ideal solution for federal, educational, legal, and financial institutions.

Sustainability: Concrete masonry units are a sustainable building material, offering a high thermal mass, enabling LEED credits, and improving energy efficiency.

Fire and wind resistance: Due to their durability and high fire ratings, concrete masonry products are often specified in projects where occupant safety and weather and disaster resistance are high priorities, such as multifamily living units, student housing, and hotels.

Mold and pest resistance: Because concrete masonry products are manufactured with organic raw materials, they are generally inhospitable to mold and insects.

Affordability: Concrete masonry products offer high-end beauty without sacrificing cost effectiveness.

Supporting the Masonry Trade

Masonry is an indispensable trade, and today skilled masons are in high demand. The recent personnel gap between those retiring from the field and those entering it has caused a shortage of skilled brick and block layers and stone workers. This situation presents an exciting opportunity for young people, returning veterans, and other individuals in search of a rewarding career.

County Materials supports the advancement and growth of the manufacturing and construction industries. By sponsoring educational events and programs, hosting plant tours, and partnering with local schools, we are preserving the rich legacy of the masonry trade.


Brick Industry Association

Cast Stone Institute

International Masonry Institute

Masonry Advisory Council

Mason Contractors Association of America

National Concrete Masonry Association

Wisconsin Masonry Association

