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Construction Speed and Weather Are Factors for Specifying Precast Concrete Boxes Over Cast-In-Place

Dec 11, 2020

The effect of increasing traffic demands on aged infrastructure prompted the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) to initiate an expansive three-year reconstruction project that would improve the area’s traffic flow and reduce the risk of accidents. In preparation of construction, the site’s recurring flooding issue needed to be addressed with the installation of a concrete culvert system.

Initially, MoDOT specified the use of a cast-in-place concrete culvert system; however, the project contractor recognized the time and cost advantages of using precast components in an active river setting and encouraged MoDOT to modify the specification. County Materials’ Bonne Terre, MO plant manufactured and supplied a specially designed a 140-foot 5’ x 5’ box culvert to meet the demands of this project.

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