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County Materials Hosts Congresswoman Cheri Bustos for Concrete Pipe Plant Tour

Aug 23, 2018

U.S. Representative Cheri Bustos of Illinois’s 17th Congressional District toured County Materials’ Springfield, IL concrete pipe and precast manufacturing facility in recognition of Concrete Pipe Week.  The tour provided Rep. Bustos the opportunity to see the impact reinforced concrete pipe makes in her state.

County Materials presented Rep. Bustos with a personalized hard hat and safety vest and demonstrated the location’s quality control practices and testing procedures. Rep. Bustos witnessed from start to finish the manufacturing process of 84” Class III concrete pipe and 18” concrete pipe. The last stop of the tour was to observe the strength of reinforced concrete pipe at a three-edge bearing test machine. ASTM standards for reinforced concrete pipe require a factory test to verify strength and consolidation before delivery. This test demonstrates concrete pipe’s structural abilities to withstand heavy loads and remain a reliable storm water conduit during heavy rains and high traffic events.

Photo from left to Right: Robert Laughlin, Quality Control Manager; Steve Smart, Technical Resource Engineer; Rep. Cheri Bustos; Preston Moore, Sales Manager