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Empowering Children and Their Families

Feb 10, 2020

Compass for Kids | Springfield, IL

The mission of Compass for Kids is to provide academic and social-emotional support to empower at-risk children and families.  To this end, Compass for Kids has innovative school year and summer programs to support at-risk children in Springfield School District 186 in Springfield, Illinois. 

Compass works on educating the children as whole persons, and recognizes that social, emotional, and life skills contribute to overall well-being and academic success. 

Camp Compass, described as a summer learning program, is a hybrid between a summer school and a camp. On one hand, Camp Compass is an academic intervention where licensed teachers instruct the students three hours per day, five days per week, for the six weeks of camp. In addition, Camp Compass incorporates enrichment activities and field trips to create a fun camp-like environment. These enrichment experiences address the opportunity gap in addition to the academic achievement gap. Mornings are reserved for math and reading, while afternoons are filled with a wide array of activities.

Compass for Kids receives funding from County Materials’ annual charity golf outing. To demonstrate the company’s Vision of Success, Stability and Support, County Materials is contributing to organizations that provide youth mentoring and skills building in communities where the company has locations.

Our Giving in Action

Jasmyne was a 5th grader at McClernand Elementary School. When she arrived at Camp Compass 2018, her Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) was a 40 which is a 4th grade level, so she was one year behind grade level in reading. After the six weeks of Camp Compass, where she received instruction daily from a certified teacher, her DRA was a 60, which is a 6th grade level. Jasmyne not only moved up two grade levels, but additionally, she was ready for middle school in the fall thanks to Camp Compass.