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EveryBODY Deserves to Play

Mar 2, 2020

Courage League Sports | Tiffin, IA

Courage League Sports is a non-profit adaptive sports and recreation organization that offers year-round programming for children and adults who can’t go full speed due to a physical, cognitive or emotional disability. By adapting the pace, equipment, or nature of an activity, Courage League Sports provides a safe and accessible environment where participants can go at their own speed.  

Courage League Sports opened their first licensed location in Iowa City, Iowa with funding help from County Materials’ Charity Golf Outing. Courage League Sports Iowa City offers five, 4-week sessions, providing a safe place for 75 children to play and be social outside of school and therapy. University of Iowa Therapeutic Recreation and Physical Therapy students, as well as area educators, therapists and experienced community members, provide volunteer support each evening of adapted play. The goal is for participants to leave sweaty and smiling.

Our Giving in Action

One year of regular, adapted play with Courage League Sports helped eight-year-old Lilly, both at home and school. Lilly has a mild form of muscular dystrophy that affects her from her neck down to her hips. She fatigues easily and uses a wheelchair to go distances and conserve energy. Lilly had struggled for several years disliking PE class in school. Activities were not adapted, and Lilly was often isolated from her peers. Courage League showed Lilly she could enjoy physical fitness and movement when it was adapted to allow her to participate in meaningful ways. CLS became the model for Lilly’s IEP (individualized education program) team to adapt the school’s PE curriculum to meet her physical needs. Courage League Sports also provided Lilly the opportunity to begin using power assist wheels on her wheelchair, which she had been uncomfortable using for three years prior. Lilly saw a fellow participant using his power assist wheels as he played and knew she finally had a safe place to learn and practice! She now uses her power assist wheels with ease and confidence!