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Finding Their Voice and Reaching Out

Jan 20, 2020

The Amy Schulz Child Advocacy Center | Mount Vernon, IL

The Amy Schulz Child Advocacy Center and their partners are the front-line responders to reports of sexual abuse, as well as reports of severe physical abuse of children. They provide children with a safe place to share their story in their own words with experts who will listen to them, protect them and help them heal.

The Amy Schulz Child Advocacy Center receives funding from County Materials’ annual charity golf outing. To demonstrate the company’s Vision of Success, Stability and Support, County Materials is contributing to organizations that provide services for sexual abuse and domestic assault survivors in communities where the company has locations.

Your Giving in Action

In 2013, The Amy Center developed the program “Body Boundaries”. This is a comprehensive, ongoing, sexual abuse prevention program offered to preschool through High School students during the school year. The program has seen incredible growth in 2019, that they’ve been able to serve over 2,000 more students than they could last year. This leads to more reporting and more families and children helped. Children and their adult role models are becoming more aware of where to turn when an abuse crisis is upon them. They are finding their voice and reaching out for help. 

More help is always needed and that’s where The Amy Center comes in. The Amy Center offers their services free of charge but they’re never free of expenses. The Center holds many events that are crucial fundraisers in continuing their mission. Their volunteers and board members work tirelessly to continue the success of the events. With 7 counties to serve, the work is never-ending.