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One Mission and One Vision

Jan 6, 2020

The Women’s Community, Inc. | Wausau, WI

The mission of The Women’s Community, Inc. is to provide specialized services and resources to people in Central Wisconsin affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, and unemployment. Their goal is to help individuals and families attain greater emotional and economic self-sufficiency. Their vision as a model organization empowers communities and individuals who have survived the effects of violence and oppression through the provision of quality programming, advocacy, and education. The ultimate goal is to reduce/ eradicate violence. 

The Women’s Community, Inc. receives funding from County Materials’ annual charity golf outing. To demonstrate the company’s Vision of Success, Stability and Support, County Materials is contributing to organizations that provide services for sexual abuse and domestic assault survivors in communities where the company has locations.

Our Giving in Action  

Anna’s Story Anna was referred to the shelter by the responding officers. This was not their first contact with her, given the 8 years of violence at the hand of her partner. Police had referred her for advocacy services multiple times; so had friends, family, employers and the District Attorney’s office after each incident. She thoroughly believed, and he continued to tell her, she was the only one that understood him and could help him. Through long nights talking with advocates, Anna started seeing that the parts of the relationship that were “broken” were not hers alone to fix. He drained their savings account and advocates helped her secure funding to help pay a substantial utility bill that she’d been making payments on. She sought medical attention for stomach pain; but it turned out to be stress and anxiety. She had worked so hard to minimize and justify his behavior, that the level of risk to her started to sink in. 

The Path to Freedom 

Anna moved into her own apartment that she found and chose and loved. Because her finances were still carefully budgeted with the move, advocates arranged to have The Women’s Community cover her copays for 6 sessions of counseling. She started attending support groups, though out of her normal comfort zone. She told us, “It was awesome! I think it’s going to be extremely helpful. I even shared, which is usually difficult for me, especially about abuse.” 

The Path to Success

Anna and her advocate talk about the connection between living in chaos and physical health – and she started to see that taking care of herself and feeling safe was something she deserved, not something selfish she was doing to neglect her partner. Anna commented to her advocate, “I am happy, even on the bad days. I know I will be okay. Baby steps. Thank you for always supporting and encouraging me. It has and continues to mean a lot to me.”