Promoting Health and Development Through Exceptional Equestrians
Exceptional Equestrians is a nonprofit that uses equine therapy to help individuals build physical, emotional and cognitive skills to improve their quality of life. The organization provides medically-based, equine-assisted services, such as Hippotherapy, Adaptive Riding, and Equine-Experiential Therapy.
County Material partners with Exceptional Equestrains to promote physical health and development, community integration, self-esteem, and improvement of functional skills for youth, teens, and adults. The Hippotherapy program uses the horse’s movement to influence the cognitive, sensory and neuro-motor systems of the rider. The movement of the horse stimulates a multi-system response, helping participants gain mobility, strength, balance, and endurance, resulting in new or improved motor skills.
Through the Sonnentag American Foundation, County Prestress & Precast supports worthy organizations and causes in four key service areas, including Hunger & Homelessness Support, Service Member & Veteran Support, Sexual Abuse & Domestic Assault Services, and Mentoring & Skills Building.