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Providing Peace, Compassion and Understanding

Mar 9, 2020

Lake Cares Food Pantry | Mount Dora; Eustis; Tavares; and Paisley, FL

Lake Cares is an independent community food pantry governed by a Board of Directors comprised of representatives from local businesses and residents who care about their mission. They provide food and other necessary items directly to the people who need assistance in Lake County, Florida. In 2018 they served 48,904 individuals, with approximately 65% being senior and disabled clients. They also distributed over 15,000 pounds of food each week. On average it takes 60 pounds of food to serve one family of four for three days three meals per day. 

Lake Cares Food Pantry strives to help all individuals through food assistance and education while treating them with dignity. They strive to do all they can to lift the spirits for all they serve. There are all kinds of reasons why people need assistance, and whatever the reason is, Lake Cares is here to help.

Lake Cares Food Pantry receives funding from County Materials’ annual charity golf outing. To demonstrate the company’s Vision of Success, Stability and Support, County Materials is contributing to organizations that provide hunger and homelessness support in communities where the company has locations.

Your Giving in Action

Janet’s Story: Sometimes life deals us tragic and unexpected events. Such is the case of one of Lake Cares clients by the name of Janet, who at 75 years old received custody of her 5 great grandchildren. 

“We went from just my husband Larry and myself to getting my great grandchildren due to their parents dying within days of each other,” Janet said. “Then, we were not only dealing with heartache, but how to feed and clothe all of them on our fixed income.” 

Food was scarce for the now family of seven. Each night the children would go to bed hungry. They would wake up hungry. They would go to school hungry. It was during a conversation with a neighbor that Janet found out about Lake Cares Food Pantry. 

“I had no idea something like this existed,” Janet said. “Our prayers were answered. I immediately picked up the phone and called them.” Janet tells everyone from the moment she walked in the door at Lake Cares she has found wonderful, caring individuals. She uses the words “peaceful and comfortable, compassionate and understanding” to describe the volunteers.  

“The first question they asked me was what help I needed,” she said. “And from these volunteers with angels in their hearts, my worry about food was eased. They gave us such good healthy food. That night and since, my kids eat good food and have a snack of peanut butter and crackers before bed. They go to bed with full tummies.”