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Reinforced Concrete Pipe is a Vital Component of Stillwater’s Chestnut Street Plaza Project

Dec 27, 2022

County Materials supplied large-diameter reinforced concrete pipe for a project in Stillwater, Minnesota, that will convert a congested highway into a retail, art, and entertainment space for pedestrians and cyclists.

When project leaders planned the pedestrian plaza in Stillwater’s historic downtown, they addressed flood concerns by specifying reinforced concrete pipe. Reinforced concrete pipe has a service life that can exceed 100 years, providing municipalities with reliable, cost-effective storm water infrastructure.

County Materials manufactured and delivered 150 LF of 96-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe. The project used additional reinforced concrete pipe, catch basins, and manholes from County Materials to construct an underground storm water detention system.

The construction schedule relied on County Materials’ delivery of the large-diameter pipe in the busy downtown area. Timely completion of the storm water system allowed access to the businesses.

To use County Materials’ Reinforced Concrete Pipe for your next project, contact our Customer Service Team at (800) 242-7733.